Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sacratic Seminar

•Consumerism: everyone needs to have new things..
Ex-throwing away old clothes, shakespeare, god, etc.
•dedicated to the greatet good
•Unity: can't be the ideal society without everyone on the same page
Ex-not wanting to stay a scientist because of the disgrace
•Corruption of values: marriage, mothers, children, family
• More optimistic at the start of the novel.. Trying to prove a point
•Ford: Industrialism
•Froid: inter ego of humanity
•Assembly line: mindlessly doing own task
•Soma: control of government and conditioning
-Everyone has there own soma
•Conditioned to think they were chosen ones (gamma, beta, etc)
-Main conditioned is to be happy
-Disreguard other emotions
•Our conditioned is to feel individually special
•John makes lenina seem pure and then she throws herself at him
•Bernard becomes corrupt towards the end
-Ex: John gets into a fight and bernard won't help because he doesn't want to get cast away
• He writes because her thinks people aren't aware
•Demonize genetic engineering but a lot of that technology is helpful and we do use it today
• technology vs. ethnics
•Mother vs. father
-try to make equality within their casts
-make men more dominate based on who gets the girls
-huxleys own values because no female authority
Ex: johns mom being called a whore reflexs our society
-gender gap made women equal but not in charge
•Alpha plus were all males
-Women work with embryos so motherly instincts
•ship crashes never seen a man like sering a new creature.. Huxley seeing world evolve and being apart of the brave new world
•Border of postmodern why? The time period it was written in .. •Transition from modern to postmodern
-consistant with vision on the future not to postmodern

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Huxley & Wallace interview

•Communism (enemies around the world)
•smoking on interview?
•More materials more gov control
•Everyone is the same in communism
•Technology taking away freedom
•Television=propaganda( brain washing)
•Over population turns the economic position and central gov takes over more
•BNW coming right around the corner
•Problems of survival and freedom
•Society is over populated and over organized
•Communist party is more organized
•Everyone sees the same television around the world and makes the world and different cultures closer
•Propaganda is overpowering our minds and conditioning us
•Artifically happy
•Soma makes you more happy like drugs but is mibd controling_no drug like soma today
•Birth rates remain high
•Technology more and more complicated
•^ lifestyle changes
•Mentions Hitler propaganda and related that to using technology and imposing his will
•Can't be caught by surprise by advanced technology
•Propaganda is like the hypnopedia
•Unity identity and stability
•BNW designed to filled task everything is controlled
•Everything controlled by someone
•Over population prevents population from being inferior. It Designs them to fill out their future jobs

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The extra time provided during class has helped me tremendously on the lit terms. Even before the actual test I was able to review Brave New World and pick out literary devices used in the text. I feel as if I did decent on this test but could have done somewhat better by studying my own time rather than just class time.

Monday, March 4, 2013

BNW Chapter 4 & 5

•Proving to be unfaithful to Henry
•Imagery, syntax, anaphora
•Invited herself on vacation
•Soma(take when feeling down)
•Benito "sunny"
•Bernard takes sex hormone gum
•Henry ford builds machine(coincidence)
•Bernard;characteristics of a Gamma(defects)
•Propaganda House
•Good looking girls have no morals
•Lenina first memory of fear
•Being content with who you are
•Setting: forty story apartment
•Soma with coffee
• Anaphora: bottle of mine
• Bernard thinking about Morgana’s unibrow
•ecstasy=Great Being