Huxley born in 1800s
Understanding on England at the ti me
Place were people aren't delt with
Household doing more for less
Smart superior child but not understood
Seperateness for BNW
14 his mother died.. Happiness couldnt come from mother figure
Soma like heroin but no side effects like sickness and keeps happiness
BNW unhappy is going to New Mexico reality of povert illness and death-greater level of happiness because hoing through life
Oxford graduated with Honors, met authors
One child
Time in Europe and America
Didn't go to war like his friends
a lot of people talking but not saying much
Birth control in italy.. Enough kids for an army (in future a question for state)
Wrote BNW in just four months & compared with 1984
1931 before Hitler so no reason for dictatorship
1946 forward so social sanity isn't impossibility. Convinced sanity can be achieved
Dangers to threaten sanity may occur in the future
Comercials vs Hypnopedia
Govt can deprive people of freedom. We have to take it with intent. What can we do about it
Looking for a drug to find an escape from self in the 1950s. Focus in the mind
47 books as a writter. Some thought he was better at writing essays
BNWresearch research research!!!!
Wasn't an American citizen.. Passivist because of his religion
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