Monday, August 27, 2012

Peer feedback #1

1. c (easy)
2. a  (easy)
3. c  (easy)
4. e  (easy)
5. d  (easy)
6. d  (easy)
7. c  (medium)
8. b  (easy)
9. b   (easy) <-- careless mistake
10. c (easy)
11. d (easy)
12.b (easy)
13.c (medium) she came off angry rather than sarcastic
14. c (easy)
15. e (medium) market place figurative language?
16. b (easy)
17. c (easy)
18.e (medium)
19. c (hard) ahhhh!
20. b (easy)
21.e (medium) seemed to be uncontrollable
22.d (hard) couldn't follow the text):
23.a (easy)
24.a  easy)
25.c (medium) goes back the the idea
26.e (easy)
27.d (medium) adjectives were in the text
28.c (easy) explained himself well
29.b (medium)versification?
30 .b (hard) I need to learn types of poems
31-46 not posted
47. b (easy)
48.a (medium) confusing, thought it was night?
49.a (medium)
50.d (easy)
51.b (easy)
52.b (hard)
53.e (easy)
54.b (easy)
55.d (hard)
56.b (easy)
57.c (medium)
58.b (hard)
59.e (easy)
60.b (easy)
61.e  (medium) again learn types of poems...


  1. --I like how your intro mentions the morals of the two..
    --Your diction is a great start but your sentences are a too short..
    --Your first paragraph makes good points. You understood the text and molded it into great examples.
    --I like how your personality shows throughout your writing. You haven't boxed yourself in but instead used it to find examples that relate to your way of thinking.
    --Your final paragraph compared the 'old' & 'new' leisure to fire and a light bulb which showed you thought out of the box and actually tried to understand your reading.
    --Overall I Liked it even though it was a "thirty-five" minute essay. You went over details that I'm sure almost everyone understood.

    Great job!

  2. I agree with michelle! i liked the ideas you used, and how you presented leisure. I think you should've used more examples from the text to make the essay stronger, but for the amount of time we had to do this, I say you answered the prompt correctly. Goood job kate!

  3. You definitely showed your personality. At the same time you managed to use great diction. Your sentences did feel I bit like thoughts and not complete sentences but since you did have little time the turn out of your essay was good.
