Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hamlet Resources

kudos to Michelle for being ahead of the game. her resources really helped me i hope they can help you as well
* This blog mentions Hamlet as a well as Shakespeare's greatest work. Different bloggers contribute to this blog giving different views on each topic. If you click around you could also find other resources to look into.
* I saw this resource on Ubi Kim's blog and thought it might be useful. It shows posts that are recent and I'm sure we could get some positive thoughts flowing with it.
*  He expresses his thoughts on Hamlet and reflects on Hamlet's thoughts. It's a type of reading log, but I know I might refer back to it if needs be.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get any of these sites when I did my hamlet search. They are very helpful, I especially like site three and how it established the characters inner most thoughts and what the reader had thought about them, it gives me an second voice. Thanks!
